There are several addons out there that will allow you to replay UFC 202 on Kodi. One is the All wrestling addon and The Men in Tights addon. With these two addons you can replay UFC fights and many other sports.
All Wrestling Kodi Add-on Installation Guide has UFC 202 replay
Open Kodi and navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
- Type the following EXACTLY http://fusion.tvaddons.ag and select Done
- Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like “Fusion”. and then click OK
- Go back to your Home Screen and then to SYSTEM > Add-Ons > Install from Zip File > Fusion
- Select xbmc-repos > english > repository.rayw1986-x.x.zip and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Get Add-Ons or Install from Repository (on Isengard) > Rayw1986 repository > Video Add-ons > All Wrestling > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
You will then see Full fight video replay UFC 202 and be readu for UFC 203 soon!
Men in Tights addon For Kodi
is Men In Tights inside of the Entertainment Repo
Source: http://fusion.tvaddons.ag/xbmc-repos/english/repository.entertainmentrepobackup-1.1.2.zip
You can download zip file or add source inside of Kodi.